

Airing My Dirty Laundry...a Quick Tip

Do you ever get mysterious marks on your clothes? Or do you ever have a fabric marking pen or pencil that won't wash out?

I used to use hairspray as a last resort when everything including OxyClean just wouldn't remove make-up stains from my clothes, pen marks on Roger's clothes, or any annoying "mystery" stains.

Then I remembered that it was the alcohol in the hairspray that was dissolving the stain.

So...the next time Roger came home with felt-tip marker stains on his pants (again, LOL), and nothing would get them out, I tried the most concentrated alcohol-based stuff we had in the house...."Hand Sanitizer" ! It was much more convenient to use than hairspray, I just had to pump it on and rub it into the stain, then toss the clothing into the washer along with a regular load. And to my worked ! So now I keep a bottle of "Hand Sanitizer" in the laundry area for those pesky stubborn stains. So far, it hasn't affected the color of any fabric I've tried using it on, but of course, check in a hidden area to make sure that it doesn't adversely affect the cloth.


  1. Excellent tip. I will definitely try this next time I've used a marking pen on fabric and it just won't come out. Thanks.

  2. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I am going to try it! There is a lot (and I mean a lot) of stains in this house! Thanks.

  3. Oh, thank you for that tip. I'll be sure to try it.

  4. great idea!! almost makes me want to draw on my clothes with a marker just to try it out. :)

  5. Cool! I've been using hairspray for years knowing about the high alcohol content, but didn't think about the hand sanitizer.

  6. Thank you! Last year I got blue ink on a pair of ivory pants - yikes I'll be trying this one soon!

  7. Great tip! Thank you for sharing it.

  8. Great tip! I'm always writing on myself, so this will be very useful!

  9. Wow, great tip. I will have to try this. I have this stuff all around the house and at work.

  10. What an interesting idea! I'll pass it along to my daughter, who says everyone at work wears ratty-looking ink-stained labcoats. They have vats of hand sanitizer everywhere. How many labcoats could be saved with quick thinking and Purell?

  11. Brilliant tip! I will definitely be trying it out myself!

  12. What a great tip!!

    For ink that is supposed to disappear but doesn't, I've also had great success with the "Tide To Go" pen.

  13. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Great tip! Thanks Pamela!

  14. Great tip! I used to use hairspray as well, but took awhile to figure out why new hairspray just wasn't working - it was alcohol free!

  15. Our school calls hand sanitizer Magic Soap. (A pre-K teacher starts the kids calling it that.) In this case it really lives up to that name!


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