

Almost a Denim Shirt

Hastily pinned to the form, and still "Under Construction"....but so far I'm satisfied with how this denim shirt is turning out.

Almost ...A Denim Shirt
 It is being made for a favorite client of mine from a  fine cotton denim fabric that has a remarkably smooth reverse side. The reverse side of the fabric is so nice that it was able to utilize it for the front button plackets, collar stand and pocket.  I haven't cut the sleeve plackets  or cuffs yet, and I haven't yet decided to use the face or reverse side of the fabric for them.   

This is one of those shirts that can look "over-designed' or very contrived if too many contrasting elements are used.  So I'll play with scraps and see what happens. I hope to have this shirt finished within a few days.


  1. That's beautiful, Pam! You are a shirt-maker extraordinaire. :-)

  2. Pam, I love the shirt so far. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished garment!!

  3. Great looking shirt so far.

  4. That will be a terrific shirt. Hope you are feeling well.

  5. That's good advice Pam, I also sleep on ideas because I find (for me) that when it comes to decorative elements my first idea is not usually my best one and I get better reults if I consider ideas before before I do them

  6. I have come to learn that slow is good when sewing! Looking good.

  7. I like the contrast like you have done it! Very cool!

  8. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Would explain how to add a contrasting band to a shirt that does not have one. How would you draft that on the pattern?

    Thank you


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