

Sneaky Sewing

I managed to sneak away to sew (YAY!) even though I should have been doing other things...

Willow's Rose top

This top for my 10 yr old niece Willow started with a basic t-shirt pattern that I changed to arrive at this design. In addition to curving the hem, I added double sleeves and solid pink curved bodice insets to both the front and back. All the edges were left raw, then just stretched and zig-zagged to "lettuce" (ruffle) them.


  1. Nice top! I really like that flowered fabric. Lovely!

  2. That has got to be the cutest t-shirt I have ever seen. I love how feminine it is with the flowered fabric. I want one.

  3. That is so pretty, Pam! Your nieces are so lucky. :-)

  4. Your niece must think that you are the best aunt ever! Cute shirt!!!

  5. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Very adorable shirt! And it!

  6. Oh I love the faux sleeve & layered look!

  7. Super cute - love the faux layered look!

  8. I haven't stopped by for a while and look what I've been missing...I love all those graphic tees, and the twists you have been putting in at the shoulders. As usual, your men's shirts are beautiful. How long does it take you to whip one up? I know it would take me days, but I was wondering how long it would take an experienced person. Sometime I feel that all my sewing is sneaky sewing...well, except for the middle-of-the night sewing.


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