

BE LINEN...a fascinating short film....

...with wonderfully beautiful photography that follows this amazing fiber
from field to fabric to fashion. I will never take linen for granted again.

BE LINEN MOVIE from Benoit MILLOT on Vimeo.


  1. I officially realised I'm a geek when I felt an emotional swell during the weaving chapter. What a beautiful video!

  2. Oh me too ! A total fabric geek. I really love this film <3

  3. This is awesome! Thanks for shariang, it really makes me appreciate linen so much more.

  4. reighley12:32 PM

    What a fascinating video! I may have to take a pause from working on taxes and go organize the linens in my stash. I feel like I ought to thank each one personally for its arduous journey to me!

  5. Totally beautiful - I love the little linen blossom and loved all those linen devores...gee, I wonder if we could get those fabrics online?

  6. Thanks for posting this film. I love to see how things are made and this was especially engaging.

  7. I love the passion these people have for this fibre - thanks for sharing - truly fascinating!!


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