

A Shirt in Pieces...

There actually has been some sewing going on around here :)   
My clients want new custom shirts, ASAP!

Here is what is on the machine right now...please pardon my hasty pinning of the pieces on my photo-wall. Later today it will be a short sleeve shirt with a contrast under-placket, piped pocket, and contrast inner band collar. I designed and drafted the pattern by hand. 

Buttons were quickly placed on the left front of this green striped oxford cloth shirt. Of course they will actually be sewn onto the right contrast under-placket...but I wanted to preview my selection where they will be seen when the shirt is "on the body".  I am quite pleased with the color and style of the buttons I decided to of our new Italian Designer Shirt Button styles, color-Latte, from Fashion Sewing Supply.

So stay tuned for a photo of the finished shirt, I should have it posted here first thing tomorrow :)


  1. Looking forward to seeing the finished shirt, I also I have the draft of a blouse for my Hubby this week

  2. Love seeing your new creations. I keep meaning to ask - how do you finish your raw seams?

  3. Hi...I finish my seams by felling them.

  4. Can't wait to see the end result. It's so funny, that just last night I was designing a new spring baby aprong dress made with upcycled shirts. Must be in the air : )

  5. Thanks, Pam. I have been asked to make some western shirts and wanted to make sure they looked professional. So much of what you see in the stores is serged - not really the way I wanted to go.


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