

Not quite panic time...yet.

YIKES what a day this has been...  This morning I was under a deadline to sew 5 shirts for my clients by Thursday!  Since then one client has sweet-talked me into adding another shirt (or 2 if I have time, haha) to his order...but that the extra shirts can wait to be shipped a little later.  So I have not hit the panic button...yet...not quite yet....

  • Fabrics chosen and pre-washed twice? Check!
  • Hand-drafted Patterns located and tweaked to new measurements? Check!
  • "Shirt Crisp" Interfacing ready?   Check!
  • Iced Tea chilling for my late night break? Check!
The 2 tailors on my staff who help with rush orders like these?  On Vacation!
I sincerely hope they are having a great time......  :)
SEWING NOTES-- Special Shirt-Interfacing from, Fabrics from Gorgeous Fabrics,, and Philips-Boyne.


  1. Good luck with that!

  2. You inspire me so much - TY I will say a prayer for you to finish - your best work ever - and stay calm and healthy while doing it.

  3. 5 shirts by Thursday???? Wow, you must have an assembly line system worked out! I would be in an panic! I think I need to come train under you!


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