

TUTORIAL-- Fast and Easy "Twin" Pockets

I often get requests from my clients for a shirt with two pockets, like this one...

 At my studio we call them "Twin Pockets" if they are to be of identical shape...but getting them to actually be identical can be a challenge!

Here is the fast and easy method that I use to make 2 rounded pockets that are the exact size and shape--

 TIP-- this method is much easier to do if your pocket pattern seam allowance is 1/4". Make a copy of your pocket pattern and trim the seam allowances to 1/4" if needed.

 Start with a piece of fabric that is at least 3-4" longer than your pocket pattern and at least twice as wide. Then tear it to get one perfectly straight on-grain edge--

Then fold the torn edge 1" to the wrong side and press...

Then turn it again 1" to the wrong side and press. This gives a double-folded edge that will become the hem of both pockets.

Next take the fabric to your machine, and stitch the top as if you were hemming a pocket (which actually is what is being done :)   All  stitching shown here is in contrast thread so it can be seen more any of the photos to enlarge them.

So now we have a piece of fabric that has one straight edge that has been double folded and hemmed.  The next step it to fold it in half, RIGHT SIDES TOGETHER, matching the top "hemmed" edges exactly. You will know that you have folded it correctly when the smooth side (right side)  is inside the fold, and you can SEE the "lip" of the hem that was stitched (the wrong side).  All that is being done here is folding the piece in half  -RIGHT- sides together and making sure the "hemmed" edge is aligned along the top.

Now we need to make this hemmed piece of folded fabric into 2 pockets! 

 Position your pocket pattern on top of the folded fabric as shown below.  The fabric has already been hemmed, so the pocket is placed as shown...with the Hem allowance above the double folded (hem) edges Remember, because the fabric has already been hemmed...the hem allowance of the pattern is NO LONGER that is why it extends above the fabric.

Now take a ordinary pencil, and trace all the way around the pocket pattern, as shown.

 This is what it will look like after the pocket has been traced--

 Now, carefully take your traced pocket to the sewing machine (you may place a pin or two to help keep the layers straight if you want to).  LOOSEN THE Top TENSION OF YOUR MACHINE. Then with a regular stitch length...stitch INSIDE the traced line the width of your pattern's seam allowance. As you can see from the previous photos of my pattern, my seam allowance is 1/4" it's easy to use the edge of my presser-foot as a guide.  (Please read the TIP about seam allowance at the start of this tutorial).

Next, remove the excess fabric around the pockets (remember, we are making 2 at the same time), by trimming along the PENCIL LINE. DO NOT cut the STITCHES!

After the excess has been trimmed, we now have two pockets that have been loosely stitched Right Sides Together.  The next step is to turn the unit right side out, and roll the seams between your fingers so that the seams are even along all the edges. 

Then firmly press the "joined" pockets.  As you are pressing, the seam allowances (now inside) are being perfectly and identically guess tedious templates.

After pressing, pull out the stitching that is holding the two pockets together.  This should be easy to do...but if not, use a seam ripper to help separate the pockets.

This what your pockets will look like from the WRONG side--

And this is what your pockets will look like from the right side...lovely and identical, already hemmed and ready to be sewn to your garment !


  1. What a great technique! I need to try this!

  2. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Awesome tutorial.Thank you so much.

  3. Katharina12:44 PM

    How very, very clever!

  4. Thanks Nancy, and Katharina!

  5. I love this! What a great way to do it! Thanks so much for sharing

  6. My pleasure, JanyceR

  7. SewOm2:09 PM

    Love it! I just made pockets for a tnt shirtdress. The next time I make this dress, I will try this technique.

  8. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Sneaky and clever. Love it. You should be charging $$$ for information and techniques like this. -Karla

  9. What do I think? You're a genius!!! What a fabulous way to create two identical pockets!! Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  10. Bookmarking this tutorial right now! Thanks.

  11. Wow! Such a great technique. Thank you so much for sharing with all of us!

  12. You are a genius! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your precious knowledge! Can't wait to try it

  13. Brilliantly clever!!!

  14. Hi Karla, I have decided that I will be charging you...please look for my bill in the mail. LOL!

  15. Allyn, Andrea, Beth, Linda T, Princess, and Doobee...thanks for your generous comments.

    I'm no genius...just happy to share some of the "Tricks of the Trade" every so often :)

  16. This is SOOOO great! This is a tutorial that makes sense and looks so easy. I have never done one pocket - let alone identical ones but within the next month or so I want to tackle Burda 7328 which is a long coat with 2 pockets so I will be using your wonderful technique. Thank you so much for sharing.

  17. In my excitiment over the pockets I forgot to add that the whole shirt looks great too.

  18. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Pam THANK YOU for generously sharing this brilliant tip! Reading your blog these past few months has inspired me to return to apparel sewing.
    ~Jillian in North Dakota

  19. OMG, this is brilliant! Thanks for the tutorial. Where is your paypal link to send you our thanks?

  20. Thank you so much!

  21. Your tutorials are the best Pam, many thanks!

  22. Anonymous7:30 PM

    As someone who loves double pockets, this tip is great! Normaly. I do square/rectangle pockets but I'm going to have to try these. And thank you for the tut.

    Theresa in Tucson

  23. This is a wonderful tip. Thank you for being so generous with your expertise.

  24. Thanks for this amazing tip! It seems so obvious now that you shared it! lol So when is your book coming out?

  25. This is awsome! I'm working on a shirt right now so this is very timely. Thank you.

  26. Well, this is a great tip! And one that will make my dad very happy when I finally make him a shirt as his two biggest pet peeves are 1) the pattern not lining up across the shirt (especially ones in Hawaiian shirts) and 2) non-identical pockets when they should match.

  27. Love this idea. We use similar in making Madeira hems in heirloom sewing but I never thought of using this to get matching pockets. Positively brilliant.

  28. Awesome! Great idea. Even better instructions. Now i need to make a shirt ASAP so I can remember this!

  29. Utter genius! I can't wait to try this on my next shirt. Your tutorials are great!

  30. Fabulous!!! I will definitely bookmark this one. Thanks Pam!

  31. So awesome!

    (Second thought: Don't they fray inside?)

  32. Hi Nowaks, these pockets do not fray after they are separated and edge-stitched onto the shirt...certainly no more than if they were made one at a time.

    If you are using a fabric that frays easily, the seams may be treated with a product like "Fray Check" before (or after) the stitching is removed...before they are stitched onto the garment.

  33. Cool tutorial Pam - thanks again for sharing your knowledge with us :)

  34. Anonymous6:25 PM

    What a simple remedy to this problem! Not only does it make 2 identical pockets, but the edges are easily turned under. Thank you!

  35. excellent! Not only is the info helpful, the presentation is done really well and 'easy to follow' - the logic and the process. Thanks very much!

  36. Anonymous10:21 AM

    How wonderful!! Great on the littles dresses for girls! Thank you!!!

  37. *Thud* Pam - you are a GENIOUS!

  38. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Great tutorial. Living in Honolulu, I make many of my husbands Aloha shirts for work. I take a great deal of time to match the pocket to the backgroud. Would I just cut out two matching pieces of fabric and then proceed as your tutorial says?

  39. I love this pam, I have had the problem before of mis-matched pockets- very fustrating, and I love the turned in seam allowance. I will definatley be doing this method next time

  40. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Love it!

    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!


  41. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Wow, thanks!
    Any chance you'll sell a book of your ideas and tips sometime? or teach a Craftsy class? Anyway, I appreciate you blog and all that you share!

  42. I think I'm going to have to print this out (along with a few others) and put it in my copy of Shirtmaking. Great idea!

  43. Fran Giacobbe4:34 PM

    Very slick!

  44. Thank you, Pam!

    Meanwhile I managed to find a shirt of DH with breast pocket (most of his office shirts don't have pockets there for a good reason....) and indeed, they were not secured and did not fray.

    For myself I don't make breast pockets on shirts because that... is the wrong place for pockets on my body. :o So my experience here is really not much.

  45. EasilyAmewsed1:24 AM

    Holy crap! That's remarkable. Must do try this. Love this blog.

  46. Love this idea. Thanks so much for the directions, clear, as always.

  47. Judy Phelps11:09 AM


    How simple and wonderful! I just printed this out and can't wait to try it!
    If you have a book or will write a book, I would buy it in a minute!
    Thank you!

  48. This is elegant, genius, wonderful!
    And it can be used for patch pockets on a jacket or anywhere that "twins" are used.

  49. Thank you for posting this great tip. It will be a sanity-saver in the future!

  50. Well, that's just brilliant!!

  51. Honolulu asked, "Would I just cut out two matching pieces of fabric and then proceed as your tutorial says?"

    Yes :)

  52. Wow! Love it!

  53. Anonymous3:43 AM

    brilliant- first time I've come across your blog but will be a regular visitor now. I'm trying to do some lateral thinking about what else this technique could be used for.

  54. Louise9:29 AM

    So smart!!I just found your blog today, so many brillant tips!!

  55. Thank you, this is brilliant and so easy.

  56. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Pam, you are an amazing and clever woman! Thank you for this demo.

  57. Anonymous2:05 PM

    As usual you are an extraordinary teacher. I love your tutorials. I´m learning a lot with you. Thanks from Spain. Teresa

  58. Anonymous11:16 PM

    I love the idea, but I don't like the raw side edges at the top of the pocket. I'll work it out. Great idea, though. Thank you, KathyDe

  59. Thank you for this Tutorial, will come in very handy.

  60. Rebecca7:05 AM

    What a great tutorial. Thank you so much for sharing. I always enjoy your blog.

  61. This is sew logical, and brilliant! Thanks for this!

  62. I just had an epiphany, could you use wash-away thread in the bobbin? I've used it in applique, and the kind I have only takes a wet "Q"-tip to make it dissolve?


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