

Happy Sewing....

Recovering from surgery while waiting for pathology reports is very stressful. So I decided a simple "happy" sewing project was just the thing to brighten my mood.  These bright fabrics from my stash made me smile the entire time I was working with them!

I hope that my 4-year old little friend Julianna and her mommy like this very "happy" set.  The peasant top is from a pattern by an Etsy Seller, Whimsy Couture. I highly recommend her patterns.  The pants are a basic style from Ottobre Design, that I modified by changing the pant leg width and adding ruffle embellishment.


  1. This is absolutely adorable! I love the embellishments with the ruffles and the happy colors

  2. What a cute outfit! Love those pants! Sending you best wishes, and hope you recover quickly.

  3. Oh dear! I'm behind in reading your blog - I hope you get wonderful news and are on the mend soon!

    Cute outfit, it certainly is a happy set.

  4. You are amazing! There is no way I could concentrate enough to accomplish any sewing. That said, this is completely adorable.

  5. What a blessing to be skilled enough to sew something wonderful to distract yourself. Cute, cute, charming outfit! I'll say a prayer for you as you wait for your medical reports. Navigating the medical system takes guts and perseverance. Best wishes and luck for a speedy recovery. And thank you for sharing.

  6. How adorable! I'm so glad you were able to distract yourself just a wee bit during this stressful time. It's hard to be sad looking at such a happy print!

  7. Best wishes and a great little outfit - makes everyone happy!

  8. Pam - so adorable! Be well. I'm giving you lots of relaxed, healthy vibes.

  9. Hope that this outfit made you smile as much as it did for me. Such a cheerful fabric and a preciouse variation on the pants.

  10. theresa in tucson9:18 PM

    Nice outfit, Pam. I'm going to add my best wishes as well for a happy report from Pathology.

  11. That outfit will bring a smile to the wearer and everyone who sees it!!

  12. Great outfit. I love the ruffle embellishment. It adds so much to the outfit.

    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for a good outcome.

  13. I can't imagine not being happy sewing up that outfit! I do hope you get a good report.

  14. Very happy outfit! Hope your report is all good and the stress soon forgotten. :)

  15. Sewing something fun and pretty usually puts me in my happy space. Glad it worked for you! I think the outfit is adorable.

  16. Very cute outful as always.

    My thoughts are with you.


  17. Hi Pam:

    It is so nice to hear from you. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you to have a "good" path report.

    Have you started any treatments yet?


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