

Redesign + Pattern Drafting + Sewing = A New Blouse

 What do you do when your dearest "Daughter-from-another-Mother" asks you to fix a faded plaid RTW blouse she loves, but that's seen better days and has never fit right in the first place?'s what I did:  After determining that the  tight back yoke could not be altered, I took a good look at the blouse, drafted a pattern by hand, and made her a new one :)   

[Side note--Jill loves batik, so I unearthed a piece that has been aging in my stash for a long time.]

Well, to be precise I made a "fitting muslin", that I hope will be wearable. Yes...sigh...I know there is really no such thing as a wearable muslin (Gorgeous Ann, I felt you cringe, lol).  However I expect she will at least be able to wear this around the house while she plays with her 2 little girls.  

And I'll make her a few more from different fabrics, including some contemporary plaids from which I will cut the yokes and pockets on the bias :) more thing..... the moment my back was turned while I was moving things around in my forms decided to get a little frisky...It must be the heat, they are usually much better behaved ;) 

LOL, Get a Room!


  1. Lol (about the dressforms not the blouse, which came out awesome. I bet Jill will love it!)

  2. I do love! Pam your awesome!!

  3. OOH OOH OOH can we get a tutorial??? It looks comfy!

  4. Yes, tutorial please! How did you add that gathered section? You need to talk to your dressforms about proper behavior, lol.

  5. The blouse turned out real nice and I am sure she will love it.

    Thanks for the giggles, those dressforms tee hee,

  6. Too funny! Love the blouse and that batik is very pretty.

  7. Love that blouse. Why isn't there such a thing as a wearable muslin?
    Funny and naughty!

  8. It looks fabulous, Pam!

  9. Terrific job on that blouse, I'm sure your "daughter by another mother" will love it. Are your form going steady, or is this a one-night stand?

  10. The blouse is gorgeous!

    funny forms ;)

  11. Those forms are very naughty - and way too young for that kind of behavior. Love the blouse and would love a tutorial!

  12. So pretty with great details!

  13. I'm always so inspired when I see the things you are making. Love it all and lol at those dress forms.

  14. the batik blouse is so pretty! looks comfy and cool

  15. Jill is a lucky girl. Love the top. Those forms need to behave, I mean there's a time and a place....right? Makes me glad it's "girls only" in my sewing room. :)


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