Tutorial--The "Knotted" Cowl (with added Instructions)
Luckily, I remembered a cowl variation that I used to teach years ago, when my family owned a fabric store...The "Knotted" Cowl.
What looks like a "knot" at Center Front is actually a manipulated pleat, and here is how it's done....
(click on any photo to enlarge it)
Now, with just a little bit of tucking-under of the CF into the "dimple" (made when the bottom part of the pleat was left unsewn), there it is...a "knot" that's not a knot !
What follow is a series of photos to make the folding/tucking part of this design more clear-- All of the photos below can be Clicked to enlarge them.
First of all, remember that the pin is ONLY here to hold up the first fold-down of the cowl collar, so that I can show what comes next...it has NO other purpose. When you make yours, you will not need that pin at all...it serves No construction purpose...I ONLY needed to put it there to show you what comes next.
OK...the red circle in the photo above shows the "Hollow" or "Deep Dimple-like Hole" that was made by leaving the last 2" of the pleat NOT sewn (as demonstrated in the series of photos of the original tutorial). When you look closely at the photo above, you can "little fold edges" that show where the "Hollow/Dimple/Hole" is located.
Now....to form the "False Knot", One Last Fold or it could be called a "Tuck and Roll-Under" needs to be made.... --click photo below to enlarge-- (Notice that the pin is NOT there now).
As shown ABOVE by my crudely drawn arrows (sorry..best I could do).....So, as shown by those arrows, the LAST steps are to TURN and ROLL the edge of the collar UNDER ITSELF all the way arround, and THEN use the "DIMPLE/HOLLOW/HOLE" to hold the "Roll" in place, by "tucking-in/pushing" it INTO that 2-inch "DIMPLE/HOLLOW/HOLE" (shown above by the 2 double curved arrows at the center front).
After the collar is "folded/tuck-rolled" under itself, and pushed into that "hole" at CF shown by the double curved arrows....it will look like this--
You can play with and arrange the folds of the collar that surround the Rolled-Under "Pleat That Now Looks Like a Knot" that has been tucked into the CF "Hole/Hollow/Dimple"...anyway you want to. Just make sure that the (pleated) Center Front of the COLLAR has been ROLLED UNDER ITSELF and Tucked-into the CF "hollow-dimple"
I hope that helps those who did not understand my first set of Tutorial instructions...I cannot think of any other ways to make this more clear than these extra instructions. Thanks so much for visiting my Blog.
SEWING NOTES-- Fabric is a poly/lycra knit from Gorgeous Fabrics (purchased quite a while ago). Shoulder Seams and Hems are stabilized with poly/lycra Pro-Tricot Fusible Interfacing from Fashion Sewing Supply.
Labels: More Sewing Tutorials, My Wardrobe