How to Sew a Classic SHIRT COLLAR 1) Assembling the Collar Unit.
I usually sew the stand to the collar before attaching the complete "collar unit" to the neck-edge of the blouse. Please note that all collar seam allowances, the stand seam allowances, and the neck-edge seam allowances have been trimmed to 1/4" for ease of construction.
Apply interfacing to just one of the long collar stands.
Here is one piece of the collar-stand...the one that is not interfaced. I have pressed up 1/4" on the straight edge of the stand as shown:

Next, I took an extra step and quickly basted this piece to the "UP-side / TOP side/ Right side / Public side" of the collar. This stand piece will be the "inner band" when the shirt is complete.

Then, I made a "collar sandwich"....with both the interfaced stand and the stand without interfacing matched right-sides-together, and the collar between them. I stitched them together along my previous line of stitching...using very small stitches when sewing the curved edges.

Here is a close-up of one end of
the stitched collar unit
ready to be turned and pressed.
After turning and pressing, here is the finished "Collar Unit"....ready to be sewn to the neck-edge of the blouse!

( Interfaced with PRO-WOVEN Light Crisp FUSIBLE INTERFACING from )
Labels: Collars, HotPatterns, SHIRT Sewing Tutorials

HI Pam! Great collar info. My apologies for just lurking lately.
Love the tutorial. Just finished a blouse so I can say "aha", that's how she gets those curves so rounded with no little points in them and *thats* how she gets the points so nice. I thought of you more than once when I was making my blouse.
Super info, thanks!
Fantastic! Thank you!
Rose in SV
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